• Proud to be part of DEALT

Kingsdown & Ringwould Church of England Primary School

Religious Education

Led by Miss Fry

Religious Education is a core subject at our school and we use the Understanding Christianity units alongside the Kent Agreed Syllabus, which includes the other world faiths/beliefs. Meeting the curriculum expectations, 70% of the units covered are Christianity based and 30% are related to other world religions. (See overview)

Our Religious Education curriculum helps us to develop the whole child – mind, body and spirit. Giving them opportunities to explore the meaning and purpose in their lives and how they fit into the world as a global citizen. We often explore global issues which develops their spiritual, moral, social and cultural selves. We encourage the children to think and discuss thought-provoking ideas, which helps them to develop speaking and listening skills whilst encouraging them to be respectful of others’ opinions, beliefs and practices.

We make our RE lessons fun and exciting, often using hooks to encourage questioning. We draw upon a wider range of stimulus for RE including role play, hot seating, film clips, art, visitors, ICT, music, poetry, the school environment, talk partners, artefacts and our local Church-St John’s Church – so children have opportunities to learn both about religion and from religion. 

Where possible, we want our children to have opportunities to encounter local faith communities through visits to local places of worship or visits from members of local faith communities. We want to enable our children to develop the ability to make their own reasoned and informed judgements about the religious and moral issues which arise from reflection on human experience and a study of religious beliefs and practice. For them to consider ways in which beliefs, values and traditions might have significance for their own lives.



What does RE look like at our school?

RE Policy

RE Long Term Plan

EYFS KS1 RE Progression

KS2 RE Progression

RE Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools

Kent Agreed Syllabus
