• Proud to be part of DEALT

Kingsdown & Ringwould Church of England Primary School

Extended Learning

We are continually developing a creative curriculum and use the expertise of specialist musicians, artists, theatre companies and visitors from the local and wider community, in addition to our highly skilled staff, to extend and enrich children’s learning. At Kingsdown and Ringwould, learning is so much more!

Learning is extended outside of the classroom, making use of our beautiful grounds, and we have a series of linked visits, including  residential opportunities for older pupils. Our Virtual Learning Environment (DB Primary) allows children to deepen their interests and understanding of their school based learning at home.

The quality and quantity of our after school clubs is second to none. They are run voluntarily by members of the school community, or by instructors from outside the school. They cater for a great variety of interests and abilities. Popular clubs include: dodgeball; Taskmaster; journalism; football; netball; dance; multi-skills; rounders; and art.

These are the clubs for this term:

'It’s a place to be yourself with children who like similar things. There’s always a lot of variety to choose from and loads of clubs that I would like to join. I attended piano club and now I have started proper keyboard lessons.' - Freddie 


'Sometimes it can teach you new skills that you wouldn’t have done otherwise, such as mindfulness and netball.  I attend netball club, and today I am going to a netball tournament because of it.' - Mia 


'There’s a good mixture of clubs over the year. There are chances to learn new languages and to play instruments.  It’s good that the clubs are free because anyone can be involved.' – Dan S 


'I like computer club because you get to play fun games with your friends, such as chess. I can learn strategies and teach others.  I also went to Tag Rugby club, which taught me loads of new skills.' - Finlay 


'There’s always a new opportunity to learn a new skill.  We have good teachers running the clubs, who are passionate about what they are doing.  In Mrs VP’s art club, I have learnt all the steps to draw realistic eyes, which I couldn’t do before.' - Amelie
